Saturday, November 8, 2014

Keep Calm and Use Edmodo!

This week I learned how to use Edmodo, which was described to me as the Facebook of schools. Uhhh....okay, but what if I've never been on Facebook?!? I'm pretty sure my resistance to social media has finally caught up with me! 

I began learning about this new technology tool in my usual way-watch some YouTube videos, take some notes, watch more YouTube videos and get started! Problem was, I was still stuck after a few hours of research. Plan B led me to meeting up with our school's technology guru this afternoon. She explained it so easily and she quickly helped me see the light! I wish I had her calm demeanor when it comes to technology. Personality defect: OVERTHINKER. Yep...that's me!

So what is Edmodo exactly? It's a school appropriate social networking site that allows teachers to share ideas with other teachers and students to share ideas with other students in their class. But that's not all Edmodo has to offer, students can answer polls, take quizzes, post comments, ask questions and submit assignments. Check out this quick video for an explanation of exactly what Edmodo is all about! 

Teachers can use Edmodo to collaborate and share resources with each other in a couple of different ways. They can join an existing group like the one I picked this week, CCSS Math and PLC. Or they can create their own group like the one I did called "Purposeful Planning". In the past I might just email my colleagues or hunt them down for a response, but now I will use Edmodo to get the answers I need! After creating a group, you just invite people to join your group. Here's a tutorial for teachers on how to get started! 

My new goal is to use Edmodo with my students. I know they would love to respond, share opinions and turn their work in using this cool tool. Hope you will stay calm and start exploring the awesomeness of Edmodo, like I did!

Happy Posting-

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