Friday, September 19, 2014

Just Breathe...And Take A Technology Tour With ME!

This week was much more manageable with kids, school and class for some reason. I felt like I could finally take a deep breath and relax a little. I'm not sure if I should attribute this to my husband recovering after two weeks with an upper respiratory infection, my teacher calling me a "Google Ninja" (ha!) or just settling into a routine and getting into the swing of things. Probably a combination of all of the above is helping me find my inner peace (or inner peas)! I really wanted to get all of my work done early this week to free up my birthday weekend! So I hopped right in and started researching new Google tools right away!

Cool Tool #1: Google Cultural Institute and World Wonders Project
One site that I never knew existed until now is called Google Cultural Institute. Check this video tutorial out!

Have you ever heard of such a thing? When you get into the site, you are able to take a virtual tour of historical events, exhibits and even view authentic photos and videos connected to the content.  You do need to spend some time exploring the event to select what you want to share with your class. One of the exhibits I came across was the Anne Frank archive.  I was able to view rooms in her house, video clips, pictures of her and real pages from her diary!  I spent a lot of time navigating this cool tool and couldn't help thinking of how great it would be for my friend Shelby, who is a high school history teacher. The possibilities are endless for her with older students and the higher level content! But I think there is a use with my elementary kiddos too! The archives might be a little over our heads, but the World Wonders Project would be great!  This is a tool that allows you to visit places such as, Yellowstone National Park or the Great Barrier Reef, and feel as if you are really there!  This could replace the old map hanging in my room from the 1970's with a birds eye view of the actual location! There's also a map along with a street view that uses 3D modeling to make the experience very realistic! 

Check out this view of the Great Barrier Reef!

Cool Tool #2: Google Calendar
It's funny because this week I was trying to schedule upcoming parent teacher conferences and found a tool that could actually help me with this daunting task! My usual "old school" way is to print an open schedule with 20 minute time slots on the three conference dates, send it home for parents to choose a day/time, and then make contact again for a reminder. Such a hassle!!! I was researching the many great features of Google Calendar, I learned about a cool feature called "appointment slots".  This would be a much more efficient way for parents to sign up for conferences using a shared calendar! Plus there are reminders built in to Google Calendar, so bye-bye "old school" paper way! 

Steps to setting up appointment slots:
1. click on the calendar grid
2. set up appointment slots
3. fill in information on dates and times available
4. click "create slots"
5. share link with parents so they can sign up for conference times

This is good for me AND the environment! #savesometrees 

Cool Tool #3: Google Story
Now, I seriously saved the best and most exciting tool for last!  Google stories is happening in my class ASAP!  I was so excited about it, I showed my teaching team the very next day after I learned it!  If you want to check out my story, click here!  My students will be writing their own stories in the next couple of weeks to share with their parents at conferences. I thought they could write their life stories or even about their year so far in 5th grade.  It would be awesome for them to include their goals and hopes for the year!  Go to Google Story to get step by step directions... but it really is pretty simple! Hey...I finished in one hour....not lyin'!

Well folks, I think that's about all for this weeks' cool tips! Hope you can find some great ways to use them in YOUR classroom!

Happy Touring!

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